88d 16h 50m

Pool uptime

1 minute, 44 seconds

Last update









bch.vkbit.com:3333 -u your_bch_address.worker_name -p x
bch.vkbit.com:4444 for high difficulty, compatible with mining rentals like nicehash or miningrigrentals
VK supports both IPv4: bch4.vkbit.com and IPv6: bch6.vkbit.com using the above ports.

1% pool fee - instant payout to your address (payout list)
fee goes to qpaq5n83z7k39rspj6p9xzdx57wqmlnv0czsx25ccw
No logins, withdrawals, passwords, or pool hacks - anonymous mining directly to your own address!
Blocks found: 881705 876003 871948 870742

Join our Telegram group for the latest updates and support

110 TH/s

Hashrate 1m

106 TH/s

Hashrate 5m

105 TH/s

Hashrate 15m

103 TH/s

Hashrate 1h

106 TH/s

Hashrate 6h

204 TH/s

Hashrate 1d

266842446998 266.84 B

Shares accepted

10851138152 10.85 B

Shares rejected


Rejection Ratio



3.13 3.12684289

BCH Reward


SPS 1m


SPS 5m


SPS 15m


SPS 1h

Difficulty Top 20 +(Top 1000)

11760.25 B348 GH/s106.57 B1Dsjvq...voBdQDk
20261.59 BNot active17.45 Bqrutjd...k3clgdx
3015.24 BNot active3.94 Bbitcoi...zxcsqkz
4010.53 BNot active212.46 M3HSof5...FNfEu5V
519.77 B320 GH/s129.38 M1Pgydt...FCL4KCh
626.66 B10.1 TH/s4.18 Bqrdkqv...t5gfyyg
716.48 B452 GH/s251.73 Mqphyff...trupvd4
834.46 B9.92 TH/s5.03 Bqrmcp5...l8hu8cs
914.43 B3.98 TH/s2.16 Bqzdjln...cz3qlc4
1063.64 B10.6 TH/s3.25 Bqr2dca...877el4a


1112.84 B4.92 TH/s2.75 B1L2uuN...oshSfq4
1212.56 B611 GH/s130.87 Mqr5kyl...xeefaat
1341.74 B7.5 TH/s676.62 M3CcXdU...7Zw7JTR
1431.63 B11.1 TH/s4.76 Bqp3hhh...zs7pprh
1521.57 B6.22 TH/s598.56 M3K8z6V...PWVuYs6
1631.48 B1.34 TH/s927.01 Mqrgrs2...pqtlnzh
1711.16 B496 GH/s252.43 Mqz5umy...p4lvx54
1811.02 B616 GH/s274.48 Mqpgwh4...xhvudhg
192977.12 M4.14 TH/s2.33 Bqpvnzl...jxdke7j
201712.11 M240 GH/s130.76 M1EPry3...tnaAJrj

Hashrate Top 20 +(Top 1000)

1311.1 TH/s1.63 B4.76 Bqp3hhh...zs7pprh
2610.6 TH/s3.64 B3.25 Bqr2dca...877el4a
3210.1 TH/s6.66 B4.18 Bqrdkqv...t5gfyyg
439.92 TH/s4.46 B5.03 Bqrmcp5...l8hu8cs
547.5 TH/s1.74 B676.62 M3CcXdU...7Zw7JTR
626.22 TH/s1.57 B598.56 M3K8z6V...PWVuYs6
714.92 TH/s2.84 B2.75 B1L2uuN...oshSfq4
824.14 TH/s977.12 M2.33 Bqpvnzl...jxdke7j
914.01 TH/s450.39 M886.53 M19aCbr...65nm3x8
1013.98 TH/s4.43 B2.16 Bqzdjln...cz3qlc4


1132.08 TH/s691.29 M1.13 Bqzcnke...g580tz3
1231.54 TH/s497.91 M860.97 Mqzejqz...yttpr4y
1331.34 TH/s1.48 B927.01 Mqrgrs2...pqtlnzh
1411.15 TH/s2.97 M13.01 Mqqkd0n...wdn9jcn
1511.14 TH/s284.27 M466.84 M1NRuBz...97VxTnd
1611.01 TH/s181.40 M313.31 Mqpsjh3...7l52rmm
171969 GH/s421.25 M214.88 Mqqmeng...8v5u7qe
181903 GH/s521.46 M506.80 Mbitcoi...g78r52e
191783 GH/s316.97 M400.27 Mqrrlpt...ty68zu4
201616 GH/s1.02 B274.48 Mqpgwh4...xhvudhg

What Does SPLNS Mean?

SPLNS stands for Score Per Last N Shares. The term "Score" refers to the fact that share value is weighted by the difficulty of the shares found. "Last N Shares" means that the score is a rolling score based on N shares, where N equals 5 times the current difficulty.

The rolling average is weighted according to when the shares were found - the more recent the shares, the more they are worth.

Hop-Proof System

The system is designed to be hop-proof, meaning it cannot be exploited by hopping on and off during periods of lucky blocks. The SPLNS calculation is performed dynamically and updated every minute based on a combination of HERP and DERP.

  • HERP (Hash Extracted Rate Product): Calculated as sqrt(MIN(share difficulty, network difficulty) / work difficulty) * work difficulty / 2, determining the value of each share.
  • DERP (Difficulty Extrapolated Reward Payment): The reward is determined as the user's HERP divided by the pool's HERP, representing the expected reward if a block were found at that moment.

The pool's HERP accumulates until it reaches 5 times the network difficulty. After that, it is adjusted every minute by scaling down the existing HERP to include the latest HERP value for that minute. All users' HERP values are adjusted proportionally.


There will always be 50 payouts allocated to the top miners. To qualify for the payout list, you must increase your HERP/DERP score to surpass the miner ranked 50th.
If anyone in our BCH SPLNS pool who is not in the top 50 finds a block, the pool will donate its 1% fee to the block finder
After each block is found, everything resets to zero. Rewards are calculated until the next block is found.

Instant BCH Coinbase Payout

Block maturation requires 100 new blocks in the network (approximately 18 hours). For details, see the payout list.


Block Height

3.12761476 BCH

Block Reward

0.03127615 BCH

Pool Fee



Next block payout list updated @ 2025-02-15 07:00:12

#AddressSharesBest ShareLuckHerpDerpPayout Amount
11Dsjvq...oBdQDk106.57 B760.25 B102.00%107774954644.230.179108571.24581305 BCH
2qrtpdl...nrqkqv24.50 B16.35 B101.00%24068828399.20.03999940.27822105 BCH
3bitcoi...4uqtms22.91 B18.41 B100.00%22841237543.7730.037959290.26403084 BCH
4qrutjd...3clgdx17.45 B261.59 B101.00%17151120394.3690.028503020.19825654 BCH
5183jm9...jKF2EJ14.01 B5.38 B100.00%13696311023.60.022761560.15832104 BCH
635c6qH...yxmXXr13.56 B47.13 B100.00%13351126667.4350.022187910.15432973 BCH
7qrmcp5...8hu8cs5.03 B4.46 B100.00%4955032875.75110.008234640.05727608 BCH
8qp3hhh...s7pprh4.76 B1.63 B100.00%4681943712.43360.00778080.05411871 BCH
9qrdkqv...5gfyyg4.18 B6.66 B100.00%4121536714.2010.006849480.04764140 BCH
10qrj27y...fdnvnu4.18 B1.48 B99.00%4054363052.30590.006737840.04686597 BCH
11bitcoi...xcsqkz3.94 B15.24 B101.00%3959440179.53030.006580090.04576872 BCH
12qq9fr6...5zv72s3.56 B18.54 B100.00%3482085684.24360.005786790.04025079 BCH
13qr2dca...77el4a3.25 B3.64 B100.00%3210810527.09810.005335960.03711268 BCH
14qp0mtl...598kvc2.89 B1.09 B100.00%2831684990.42590.00470590.03273256 BCH
151L2uuN...shSfq42.75 B2.84 B100.00%2701402941.4230.004489390.03122613 BCH
16qpvnzl...xdke7j2.33 B977.12 M100.00%2288030270.85210.003802420.02644772 BCH
17qzdjln...z3qlc42.16 B4.43 B100.00%2127053178.81420.003534890.02458697 BCH
181AABse...XTVHJG1.75 B7.04 B101.00%1716909992.26080.003478510.02419525 BCH
19qrf752...p08y0k2.03 B4.82 B101.00%2004223109.79360.003330760.02316703 BCH
20qqqgh8...dh0ws31.94 B1.70 B100.00%1892284049.48740.003144740.02187365 BCH
21qqfc62...qe66tu1.22 B1.29 B100.00%1192354786.77190.002996380.02084173 BCH
221AqeE5...7CbRKq470.10 M181.27 M102.00%477170094.430420.001880660.01308123 BCH
23qq6xy5...dm06xc448.62 M130.39 M100.00%442160801.319750.001860230.01293908 BCH
24qzcnke...580tz31.13 B691.29 M100.00%1103514347.32260.00183390.01275565 BCH
25bitcoi...78r52e506.82 M521.46 M100.00%498077986.199820.001817990.01264514 BCH
26qr88na...jtahhr1.02 B2.67 B100.00%995397436.042850.001654220.01150619 BCH
27bitcoi...ycn7hf302.28 M1.12 B100.00%295741234.776310.001561910.01086408 BCH
28qr7ma2...q25a05954.08 M1.07 B99.00%926273128.727280.001539350.01070715 BCH
29qrgrs2...qtlnzh927.02 M1.48 B100.00%912576956.344980.001516580.01054875 BCH
3019aCbr...5nm3x8886.58 M450.39 M100.00%880872028.056620.001463890.01018179 BCH
31qzejqz...ttpr4y860.99 M497.91 M100.00%848723803.27390.001410470.00981052 BCH
32qzx0pp...s3fq58231.09 M807.10 M101.00%228400565.276960.001360940.00946625 BCH
33qphyff...rupvd4251.74 M6.48 B101.00%249439937.520540.001307730.00909602 BCH
34bitcoi...mz63nwNot activeNot active100.00%Not active0.001295040.00900787 BCH
35qphe2m...whrcs2Not activeNot active100.00%Not active0.001265840.00880471 BCH
36bitcoi...s4n7wn104.67 M43.59 M100.00%102569785.839680.00124190.00863825 BCH
37qzz2y6...0ks7ulNot activeNot active100.00%Not active0.001175680.00817762 BCH
38qq2244...a5nq3t608.89 K3.28 M106.00%629371.013726580.001158530.00805831 BCH
393CcXdU...Zw7JTR676.69 M1.74 B100.00%677043015.012490.001125160.00782512 BCH
403718jW...vCTrYH518.84 M1.22 B100.00%511069389.608030.001109250.00771539 BCH
411F8Pd9...CYRvKzNot activeNot active100.00%Not active0.001108740.00771204 BCH
421AF5tV...rVKMKrNot activeNot active100.00%Not active0.001088690.00757255 BCH
431NRuBz...7VxTnd466.85 M284.27 M100.00%459287305.847950.001071290.00745140 BCH
44bitcoi...4kchnnNot activeNot active100.00%Not active0.001058290.00736108 BCH
45qzvjzd...vpzqh2Not activeNot active100.00%Not active0.001022460.00711187 BCH
46qzpt3a...ws9slkNot activeNot active100.00%Not active0.001022140.00710963 BCH
471DZUL4...8C4KURNot activeNot active100.00%Not active0.00101770.00707877 BCH
483K8z6V...WVuYs6598.65 M1.57 B100.00%599518270.574460.000996320.00692904 BCH
49qra6g0...ecendlNot activeNot active100.00%Not active0.000946340.00658240 BCH
50bitcoi...580tz3Not activeNot active100.00%Not active0.000937780.00652285 BCH